If you want to make money by investing in stocks, you need great patience and endure long waiting. This sentence is definitely not just a simple statement. If you really practice it, you will know how difficult it is.To sum up, just one sentence: when holding a position, don't be afraid to fall. Since you have chosen to hold a position, there are reasons for your choice. Not only don't be afraid, the more you fall, the more you want to buy it. When you are short, you are not afraid of rising, and always keep enough cash to wait for the unexpected big opportunity.For another example, the price of the company you bought has risen above the reasonable valuation, and the rising momentum is very fierce. Can you resist the impulse to continue holding and choose to sell? After the sale, the stock price continues to double at the price you sold. Can you hold back the whole process without moving, thinking or regretting? This is also very difficult to do.
For another example, the stock you are optimistic about has not yet reached the hitting point and the valuation is not very cheap, but you have been short-selling for a long time, the market has been rising, and people around you are making money. Can you hold back from buying it and wait until the target company is very undervalued? It is simply more difficult.For example, the valuation of the company you are optimistic about is already very cheap. After you buy it, the stock price has been falling. You should hold back from selling, and it is best to add a moderate position. When pessimism surrounds you, most people can't do it.
If you can do it, you are the one who can make money within 20%. If you can't do it, you may become the one who sends money to the market stably for 80%. The result is very direct and realistic. The account itself will tell you the final result, and you can't lie.To sum up, just one sentence: when holding a position, don't be afraid to fall. Since you have chosen to hold a position, there are reasons for your choice. Not only don't be afraid, the more you fall, the more you want to buy it. When you are short, you are not afraid of rising, and always keep enough cash to wait for the unexpected big opportunity.For another example, the stock you are optimistic about has not yet reached the hitting point and the valuation is not very cheap, but you have been short-selling for a long time, the market has been rising, and people around you are making money. Can you hold back from buying it and wait until the target company is very undervalued? It is simply more difficult.
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide
Strategy guide 12-13
Strategy guide 12-13